Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rantings.. lol

Wow I just realized I have neglected to rant in awhile lol! So here I go........
I have to say my mind is buzzing lately. I am still overwhelmed and finding everyday tasks sometimes overwhelming. My Hubbys is back to work after about 8 months of treatment at home. I have to admit I am scared still..he is coughing and wheezing at night a bit again. Is it the change of the seasons or is it..the treatment didn't work... time shall tell I guess.
So with a sick hubby and three smallish :) is still crazy and what do I do ...I KNIT!
I have just returned from a trip to Rhinebeck! Their sheep and wool festival was fantastic! It was so fun because I got to go with my mom and my friend Rebeca :) We had a fun girls weekend. And of course we came home with some fantastic yarn and goodies!!! I am inspired to take my spinning wheel out of hiding! ;) Maybe after all the holiday knitting is done. Meet some very nice people at Rhinebeck! New fiber friends yippy! I also put some knitting into the "Big Sock" , they are going for the of world records for the largest hand knit sock , teeheehee and I was part of it! How fun!
This October the family and I participated in the annual Team Hope Huntingtons walk again. Not as big a turn out as there was last year , but we did help the bigger cause and raised some money for research. I have been toying with a thought of a couple knitting patterns to support Huntingtons.
Oh I almost forgot!! Among all this chaos..I have returned back to work part time at a physical therapy office...I am loving it! Although it does cut into my knitting time lol ;)
I have been working on Ishbel! I am almost finished :) Can't wait to see what it looks like off the needles! So off to it....( I only have two rows left I think ;)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Learning new ways...

So I was inspired to pick up the crochet hook again. I have to say this time it has clicked!! I am first and formost a knitter but how fun to not be "locked" into a project! I don't have to limit what I create just because it's not a knit pattern. I do believe this is a start of even more ocd behavior. Hope the hubby and kids don't mind tooo much lol :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Count down to the new school year!!

As the summer days are flying by at a freightening speed we are forced to prepare for school to start. I must admit I have mixed feelings about this. I love having the children home , being able to do anything we choose. But I am looking forward to the routine of school, the kids are starting to bounce off the walls (as they bicker in the back ground, while I write this blog) !
I am looking forward to apple picking! And knitting with wool. It has been such a strange summer, raining or so humid and hot you can't breath. I miss knitting outdoors

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thinking ahead to fall.

I have been thinking ahead. Started a scarf that is a cool spider on one end that breaks down to a cob much fun! Several of us are knitting it together. I also started a kal on raverly!!! How cool is this going to be for halloween.
Also starting some christmas gifts.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer days

Summer days have finally arrived! Yea :) I have been working several projects. I love to pick up and play with cotton in the summer I have been playing with some
And I have had a love hate relationship with the Montavilla Market Tote. I started a Knit Along on Raverly for the montavilla and it has been super helpful to hear tips and tricks from other knitters!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Rain, rain, go away , my dyepot wants to come out and play! It seems we are stuck in a funk of rainy weather. It has been grey for days, weeks....... Yesterday we were teased with some sun (of course I had to be stuck inside cleaning). I want to start dyeing! Mom picked up some new yarns for me to play with. I hope they take the dye nice:) Hopefully the clouds will burn off soon :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Seaside Bag Pattern

I 've done it! It is official ! My pattern is up on Raverly. I have offered it as a free download. I am so excited and look forward to more designs. I hope everyone enjoys my pattern. The seaside Bag is a quick knit with simple cables and tear drop flap. Is is felted and finished with a glass pendent (found at your local craft store) to weight the flap closed and add some personal style!